According to Dr. Gary Chapman’s theory of Love Languages, each person has one primary and one secondary love language. Dr Chapman suggests that, to discover another person’s love language, one must observe the way they express love to others and analyse what they complain about most often and what they request from their significant other most often.
He theorizes that people tend to naturally give love in the way that they prefer to receive love, and better communication between couples, families and friends can be accomplished when one can demonstrate caring to the other person in the love language the recipient understands.
So here are some of our collections that will help you convey the most thoughtful expressions with gifts and balloon designs that would fascinate the recipients based on their love language:
1. Words of Affirmation
Actions speak louder than words! If Words of Affirmation is the primary love language of the intended recipient, then complimentary expressions would mean the world to him/her. They want to hear you say you love them or use other words of appreciation and kindness.
See sample collections from our giftware categories that helps you make a positive impression in the heart of the recipients:

- Greeting Cards
- Drinkware
- Accessories
- Plaques & Frames
You could use personalized balloons or balloon bouquets with affirmative captions that would send your recipient’s spirit to the sky!
2. Acts of Service
To someone whose love language is Acts of Service, anything you do to ease the burden of responsibility will be considered an Act of Love. A practical way to get this is by saying “let me do that for you” or finding tasks you can do to help make their life easier. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a surprise! People simply love and appreciate the fact that others are taking time out of their schedule to help them with some responsibilities.
How about you branch at a gift store to pick up shopped articles, and help save on delivery cost and his/her time? Or pick up the shopping responsibility for the time being?
We have provided multiple channels (Instagram @Customgiftsanddesigns, to ease the burden of sourcing quality brands of giftware and deliver stellar shopping experience to the benefactors. We stock practical gift articles that ease burden of work and stress for your loved ones.
3. Quality TIme
To someone whose love language is Quality Time, they prefer to spend quality time with you. A baecation, weekend getaway or spa weekend -whatever allows them to get your full undivided attention.
How about getting him/her a Journal or Diary for jointly planning an activity and capturing your mutual moments?
How about walking him/her up to the gift store and sharing the trills of lovely product selections for mutually satisfying experience? Our ecommerce platforms save you travel time to the Stores, so you can have more time for your significant other, family and friends.
5. Physical Touch
This language isn’t just about the bedroom! It is the more expressive of the love languages. If your significant other or spouse’s primary love language is physical touch, he/she would put a premium on things like handholding, hugging, pats-on-the- back, kissing and other forms of physical intimacy. All of these can help communicate excitement, concern, care, and love. And physical presence and accessibility are crucial to such a person.
How about committing to giving a massage after a stressful day, with our Handheld Massager?
Whilst you can literally achieve physical touch effects by ensuring that you personally present your gifts to the recipients rather than using third party delivery service, Custom Gifts & Designs has made alternative provisions for occasions where it is impracticable for you to undertake this task. Our uniquely designed greeting cards allows you to write personalized notes that convey your intended expression, such that the recipient feels exactly the way you would have communicated physically.
- Custom Greeting Cards
4. Receiving Gift
This love language shouldn’t be mis-interpreted as materialism. To someone whose love language is Receiving Gifts, he/she trills on the love, thoughtfulness and effort behind discovering the gift. It’s not just about how expensive the gift is but the thoughts behind it. The perfect gift or gesture shows that the recipient is known and
cared for and valued above the prize or whatever was sacrificed to bring that gift to him/her. A thoughtless gift that is not practically relevant to the recipient would be counter-productive to many.
At CGD, we engage our clients actively with a view to better profile their gift recipients. Whilst we have democratized gift boxing providing access to wide variety of product selections, we also offer gift packaging services to those that would rely on our expertise in curating and presenting value-for-money gift packages for their loved ones.
We stock a wide range of quality products ranging from – Babies & Kids Gifts Perfumes, Balloons, Kitchen & Home Accessories, Candles & Home Fragrances to Edibles, Stationery/ Pens Ladies Accessories and Gentlemen Accessories – suitable for conveying expressions suited for every occasion.
Visit our store at 1 Osamudiamen Otabor Crescent, Idado Estate, Lekki Lagos State or Shop with us on our ecommerce platforms @Customgiftsanddesigns and